
[103美國直購] Philips 電動牙刷 Sonicare HX6932/10 FlexCare RS930 Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush $7229大特賣,想要的朋友看過來!!

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[103美國直購] Philips 電動牙刷 Sonicare HX6932/10 FlexCare RS930 Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush $7229台灣樂天購物網,台灣樂天市場購物網,日本樂天購物網站,樂天市場購物網站,樂天購物網站,台灣樂天購物,台灣樂天市場網站,樂天購物網,日本樂天購物網,樂天購物

[103美國直購] Philips 電動牙刷 Sonicare HX6932/10 FlexCare RS930 Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush $7229

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有關[103美國直購] Philips 電動牙刷 Sonicare HX6932/10 FlexCare RS930 Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush $7229的詳細介紹如下:


Product Details

Product Packaging: Standard Packaging

Product Dimensions: 12 x 5 x 4 inches ; 2 pounds

Shipping Weight: 2 pounds

Origin: Made in USA


UPC: 075020803436

Item model number: HX6932/HX6930

Product Description

Effective, Quick Cleaning

Looking for an advanced toothbrush? Philips Sonicare FlexCare Rechargeable Toothbrush can be an easy choice. It features innovative technology that helps remove plaque efficiently. The integrated UV sanitizer removes bacteria from toothbrush for better oral care.

Helps in better removal of plaque

Features integrated UV sanitizer

Comes with a compact charger

This toothbrush can be charged effectively with its compact charger. The green light on brush indicates battery charge and yellow light signals when to charge.


Just For You: The entire family

A Closer Look: Philips Sonicare FlexCare Rechargeable Toothbrush has three flexible modes and two personalized routines. The timer helps you clean your teeth for the recommended time and lets you select different modes when you have time or are in a hurry.

Get Started: Charge and start brushing, replace brush head at least once in every three months for better results.


[103美國直購] Philips 電動牙刷 Sonicare HX6932/10 FlexCare RS930 Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush $7229



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